Episode 11: Mike Madrid on the Latinization of Both Politics and Our Communities

One thing the brothers Kabateck have in common and that is the ability to share outstanding guests in their respective aura of California politics. Mike Madrid is a 30 year veteran in the political arena and is Founding Director and President of Grass Roots Lab, a full service Public Relations firm focused on community engagement and grass roots research. He's a change agent for political campaigns and an expert on Latino voting trends and related research. Today's conversation immediately dives into the Latino vote in California and progresses to a discussion of the slowly fading Republican part in California. The why and how of it is polarizing but the reality of it is stark. Why does the fastest growing segment of the electorate register then not vote? Is there an option for a more conservative California? What happened to the middle class in the state? Full of opinion and fact, this is an incredibly revealing episode on the trend California is presenting to the country. A must share with those on either side of the party lines as the Latino population will continue to be a more robust and controlling interest in the state going forward.

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